Our Aggregates
All aggregates are 100% Crushed Class A Quartzite

Road Base Aggregates
At RRQ, we produce MNDOT spec aggregates that enhance compaction and drainage to promote superior road bases from heavy-use interstates to driveways. Our road base aggregates include:
3/4" with Fines (Class 2)
1" with Fines (Class 5 or 6)
1 1/2" with Fines (DSB)
2" with Fines (Class 5Q)
3/4" x #4 - (ASTM 67 Base)

Asphalt & Concrete Aggregates
Our Class A quartzite aggregates meet quality and durability requirements to meet MNDOT specifications for Asphalt and Concrete Paving. Products that meet spec for paving aggregates include:
Concrete Aggregates
3/4" x #4 (CA67) *MNDOT Certified
1 1/2" x 3/4" (ASTM 467) *MNDOT Certified
1/2" x #4 (CA7)
Asphalt Aggregates
1/2" x #4 (CA70)
3/4" x #4 (CA67)
3/4" x 1/2"
Washed Mansand
Unwashed Mansand
3/4" with Fines
1/2" with Fines
Washed Sealcoat Chips (FA2 or FA3)

Ballast & Bedding Aggregates
Whether it is for railroads, box culverts, or bridges, we have aggregates that help maintain drainage, structural integrity of a slope, and create a superior stable base. Our ballast & bedding aggregates include:
2 1/2" Ballast (AREMA 4A)
2" Ballast (AREMA 4)
1 1/2" Ballast (Coarse Agg. Bedding)
3/4" x #4 (Coarse Filter Agg.)
3/4" x 1/2"
Washed Mansand (Fine Filter Agg.)
Crusher Run
Class 2-5 Rip Raps
Red Rock Quarry was created in 2006 to serve the needs of the construction & agricultural industries, as well as local individuals with high quality crushed aggregates. Since 2006, our reputation has grown to include large paving contractors, rural farmers, and everything in between. If you would like to find out more about how Red Rock Quarry can serve your aggregate needs, get in touch today.

Red Rock Quarry
Red Rock Quarry Site Address
48511 270th Street, Jeffers, MN 56145
For product availability and site questions please contact
P: 507-628-4220
Aggregate and Delivery Quotes
For aggregate and delivery quotes please contact:
P: 507-648-3382
E: cooper.scheffler@redrockquarry.com
Red Rock Quarry Mailing & Office Address
12226 Knox Ave, Sanborn, MN 56083
P : 507-648-3382
E: cooper.scheffler@redrockquarry.com
Hours (In Season) - May 1st through October 31st - 7:ooam - 5:00pm
Hours (Off Season) - November 1st through April 30th - 7:30am - 4:00pm